Best Parisian Instagrammers

Instagramm is the new Twitter, the new Facebook and the new life! Right? You can see many thing just by taking a look at your Instagram feed and today, we are going to introduce you to the best Parisian Instagrammers!

@Farfelueparis : She is talented, very talented! And everyone knows it by now. What I like most about her is that you can see reality in a better condition but is still reality to us. She lets us see her soft but also classy part, which we like a lot! One of our faves for sure!

@Parisinfourmonths: Well.. Carin is already a classic when it comes to Instagram and moreover Paris. Her photos are gorgeous but shall I be honest here? Ok Carin we get it, your life is but a dream but can we get your real you once in a while? 

@Jasminetartine:   Minimalistic and still with its own essence. That's how Jasminetartine makes us see Paris and every city she visits. Her way of capting things is unique and she deserves all the credit! You go girl!

@Ruerodier: This girl knows how to welcome everyone into her life. She is warm, real and it feels like you are seeing pics from your friend (well... the best pics that your friend could ever take, but you get me..) Marissa dear, amazing job!

@Patriciaparisienne : Maybe it's because I know how amazing Tricia is, but I will try to keep it objective in this one: Real, honest and fun. She is able to take the best captions for us without having to put millions of flowers or sweets in the spot. You do you Tricia and WE LOVE IT.

@am_bitieuse : Ambitieuse keeps it bitter-sweet and that makes her blog and Instagram UNIQUE. She plays with colors like nobody's business but still, she keeps it sweet and "Parisien". What we like the most is that you can get used to that softness but then she strikes you again with a crazy-genious-amazing photo!


  1. Thank you so much for including me in this wonderful round-up of Instagrammers that I love and admire. I'm so honored!

  2. I totally agree coz I already follow them all

  3. Great list, need to start following these people. Incredible photos :)

  4. My friend just told me about this. Thank you so much for including me and I love the photos of the rest of them :) have a good weekend!

  5. Love all the Paris-Blogs and Instagram-Accounts.
    Have a lot of Paris Posts on my blog, too! Regards, Christina
