Summer like a Parisian

Most people say that it is too hot in Paris to stay in the city, and that's absolutely true, but i should say that Paris is even more beautiful in Summer. There are so many things to do! The Parisians are used to this hot weather and when it comes to plans, they are masters. Just chilling by the Seine or in Jardins Luxembourg seems simple, but when you chill in Paris, no matter how simple it might seem, there is always something special about it. The nights out are even better in Summer, everyone is chilling in the cafes or markets; Paris looks more alive than ever! Who would like to go away during this beautiful blossoming time in Paris?

All these beautiful photos were taken by Patricia, from the blog Patricia Parisienne

1 comment:

  1. Paris in the summer is hot but wonderful at the same time! I would love to be there :-)
